Help inspire, equip, protect, and empower youth.

See all the ways you can get involved with Immerse.


Providing a meal

  • We have many mouths that would love a home cooked or catered meal. Provide a meal for one of our various events during the week, snack packs for youths that come through, or food to our food pantry.

Become a tutor

  • Many of our youth are working towards a goal for education or a career, whether that be getting their GED, landing a job, or getting into college. One big need we see is that these youth could really use someone to intentionally take time to get to know them and help them learn their subjects, or get prepared for a certain job, in an individualized way. If you are skilled/interested in connecting with youth and tutoring them in different subjects or in job preparedness, this would be the perfect opportunity for you to help out here at Immerse. 

  • Checklist: 

    • Volunteers should be between the ages of 18 and 150.

Maintenance around the buildings

  • Our support homes are very important to us as they provide a safe and stable place to stay for many of our Immerse LifeBASE youth. Although our residents provide regular upkeep, these homes still need some extra love from time to time to stay spic and span! We hope that by keeping these homes welcoming and nice, our young adults who choose to come stay feel that we have been expecting them and are so happy to they are there. If you also enjoy hospitality and have a gift for getting spaces squeaky clean, would you consider volunteering to help us deep clean one of our support homes? Volunteers would be able to come help with this on any weekday in-between the hours of 10am-4pm. If you want to contribute to this need, please sign you or your group up with a note of what day and time would work for you. We appreciate any help we could get on this! 

Become a mentor

  • Here at Immerse, we believe in the power of With. This means that real, impactful relationships formed with our youth are essential to carrying out our mission. Being a mentor involves many things, but mostly it is showing our youth love by walking with them through the highs and lows of their personal journey. Mentors are unpaid adults willing to commit to forming a lasting relationship that is supportive, structured, and focused on the needs of the mentee. They must be encouraging and fully invested in helping the youth reach their fullest potential. At any given moment, a mentor may serve as an advisor, coach, teacher, or advocate. This is a great opportunity for those who want to play a vital role in the lives of Immerse Youth. 

To make the process smoother, feel free to complete a Mentor Application prior to attending the orientation.

  • Checklist:

    • Must attend Mentor Training.

    • Must complete all required background checks.

    • Must complete a Match Questionnaire.

    • Must be committed to being in a relationship with a mentee for a minimum of one year.

    • Must be able to continue mentor training by participating in Mentor Mingle and online training.

Food donation

  • We are currently looking for individuals or groups who would like to volunteer to put together and donate food boxes to help with this need. The box is intended to provide our youth with three days worth of meals to help during financially difficult times.

  • Button: Download our pantry list needs

Giving mom a break

  • Giving mom a break will allow volunteers to come be an extra pair of hands for our life base care moms. When the mom needs to attend a meeting with their coach, attend a life skills class, or even focus on school work, the volunteer will be there to assist with the child to give mom space to take care of her needs.



I found a support system at Immerse, and for once I felt free of judgement, free to be the person that I longed to be. And most of all I found love.




Interested in volunteering?

Please fill out the form below so we can get to know you. We will reach out to you about the opportunities you selected!